the ship


  • "the ship"
  • Coming in
  • Xipili
  • Pier 45
  • Wow
  • Out of control
  • Ready?

    „the ship“

    After huge changes on our planet earth,
    the people from Atlantis decided to launch
    „the ship“.
    Merlin, the wizard, Oxypetl, the real emperor
    of the Mayas and Tut Ench Amun, called TEA,
    are on board „the ship“.

    Their spiritual message will be
    received through Kewani.
    He is able to bring his friends
    Aretha, Li Xi and Tom right
    on schedule to the place where
    the huge ship from another
    planet will come in.

    After they hesitated first, they now enter
    „the ship“. Here, the four elements of nature
    go crazy. In presence of the friendly
    Atlantis-people, the four involuntary
    adventurers explore the real wonders
    of mother earth.



    Coming in

    „Can you see it?“ „Not yet.“ „But it should be here already.“ „You know, Oxypetl, those changes.“ „Ohh, yes, Merlin, I know, those changes, we could feel them up to Atlantis.“ „Now, look, the silhouettes, very smooth, almost layed back, not at all the way everybody told us.“ „Oh yes, how did they mention it: The land with no boundaries, the land of sweet dreams, the land of with milk and honey. What ever the land of milk and honey should be, it looks pretty different. Merlin are you satisfied with your navigation?“ „Did you expect something different than my strong intuition, Oxypetl?“ „No, not at all, I just have to laugh. We were looking forward so much to our trip to see here just a real batch of concrete and steel now.“

    „I think I will have a break to investigate those things more closely.“ „Just do it, TEA. I can’t say it’s worth it. But we knew it. This mission does not seem to be the ultimate experience.“

    „Merlin, can you see them?“ „Whom, Oxypetl? You always ask me, if I can see them!“ „Come on, you already know, the kids you told me about.“ „I told you when my dress will change its colors, the kids are quite near. Then we will see the last survivors of these species, they call human beings.“ „Merlin, your dress.“ „My dress?“ „Yes your dress starts to change colors.“ „What are their names again?“ „This is the final call for everybody involved with the mission THE SHIP. The kids names are Tom, Aretha, Kewani and Li Xi. They represent the white, black, red and yellow people. They belong to the elements of fire, earth, air and water. They are the ones. We must not make them nervous at all.“

    „Okay, okay, Merlin, there is a long, long time since I worked on my old egyptian sciences and I got this big name Tut Ench Amun, called TEA. But my long sleep was not the right thing for my brain.“ „Since we are defencing each other, I Oxypetl, the real emperor of the Mayas, never dealt with details. I don’t care about details. You got that?“ „Come on, don’t be cranky, you great genies of the old centuries. Your time has come again. Be happy.“

    „Merlin, your dress has changed into purple. The kids therefore should be right in front of us.“ „Look, the great wizzard Merlin in it‘s super shape. May I introduce: The chosen ones.“




    Atlantis people are not ordinary people, they just look as such. They have names which are well known to human beings such as Merlin, the wizzard, Oxpetl, the real emperor of the Mayas and Tut Ench Amun, which I do not have to introduce anymore. There would be some other names, but this does not belong to this story right now. The Atlantis people are people who sense. Yes they sense. They do not think, they know. Because they know, they felt time has come to visit the human beings, not just spiritually, even unspectacular body minded. The most sacred Atlantisians warned the pro people about the mission THE SHIP. It would not be easy to bring these species to sense. Their bad habits have nested to far into their genes and shown stronger and stronger in the new generations to come. But there are exceptions as anywhere. Atlantis people take care about exceptions, they take care about everything which is different, then this means revelation.

    Exceptional people are open minded. Exeptional people are the seed still able to grow. Exceptional people are the trees, which still wear the fruits. But exceptional people are rarely seen apparently. They hide back because they are different. And beying different is not seen as strenght among human beings. It makes unsafe, nervous. People get afraid. So Atlantis people had to conact the more and more rarely seen uncommon people. Lots of contacts did not work because the contacted ones did not believe their heart. They did not believe themselves. They just believed others, so called friends, collegues, employers, governments, political parties.

    Atlantis people are more talented but they too must work. So they refined the messages to human beings. They sent dreams, illness, accidents. Even stronger messages had lower impact. And so there was just one thing left: to make a visit – how human beings call it.

    But how should such a visit look like? Coffee and cake, fish and chips, an armada of spaceships, a fleet of submarines? Coffee and cake would have been too unspectacular for human beings. Fish and chips would not have been congruent with their bodymania. A armada of spaceships would have been too kitschy and a fleet of submarines too ridiculous. Apropos ridiculous, you would not have imagined that Atlantissians are people with humour, right? Listen, humour is very important to Atlantissians. They just laugh like hell, daily, on a hourly basis. Laughing is teached in schools like explorience, astronomy, astrology, to sense, to know, to meditate, to know everything about auras.

    So one could hear their hearty laughing in the whole area as the proposals have been presented how to convince the human beings to change direction and try it again to survive on planet earth.

    For everybody it was clear that the solutions must be something that people like, that awakes their dreams, that makes them wonder, but not his much, that they loose control. Out of the many good proposals one not just wanted to select a certain choice. So a testphase with human beings started. The right solution came the way pretty soon. The little girl, called Xipili, was able to delight human beings the most.

    „Okay, Xipili, since your idea, to convince human beings to see mother earth as their home, has delighted the most, I would like to make you heard once again in front of the elder people. Go ahead Xipili.“ „I thank you, Mopulu, I appreciate your honours.“

    Xipili closed her eyes and began to meditate. The air started to vibrate very smoothly and a sound, quite similar to a heartbeat was becoming louder and louder with such a power, human beings would have died.

    Here one could see it – the ship – huge in it’s dimensions, powerful in it’s emotions, all in all in harmony although shaking. And Xipili started to speak silently and slowly:

    „ For human beings, a ship is a symbol of a start, a start to new frontiers, a start to a cosy island, where nobody will disturb them, where they could be the ones they want to be. A ship is home and liberty at the same time. A ship is a messenger, an anchor on the open sea. A ship holds, rocks, it sparkles around. A beautiful ship has always fascinated human beings and it can reach the farest spots. We know, that our inhabitant Noah has been successful only part time ,but it was also him, who confirmed to me, that the time for another try has never been better.
    We will show the interdependency between the four elements of mother earth and the belonging of human beings to those elements. We will show what happens if this is not seen. It will ashake and awake human beings out of their sleep, but it will also comfort them and give them hope again. I call it THE SHIP. Thank you, Mopulu.“

    „I would like to thank you Xipili. We all are highly satisfied. We know it won’t fail.“

    Suddenly the SHIP disappeared. The silhouette was seen only very smoothly and a sweet fragrance was hanging in the air.



    Pier 45

    „May I introduce: The chosen ones!!“

    Although Tom, Aretha, Kewani and Li Xi were raced up in different cultures, all of them could not close their mouth as they have seen THE SHIP coming into the harbour.

    „Wow, can you see this? This town has offered me much so far, but this...“ „Let us escape, I am afraid.“ „Come on, let us have a look. They will be some kind of aliens.“ „People, I have an intention, you will hide yourself, I will be the offering.“ „Are you cracy? After all we experienced nothing could do us harm.“ „Looks like a swimming beard, who is not able to fly.“ Somehow totally strange“. „But impudent huge. Reminds me of the movies „Independence Day“ or „The last shore“. Have you seen them?“ „Come on, it reminds me of „Waterworld“ or ...“This will be such an international multi, who has not recognized that there is nothing to sell anymore.“ „Should I tell you?“ „ What would you tell us? Do not disturb the show.“ „Okay, okay so I do not.“ „No, go ahead.“ „Alright, tonight I had a dream about a ship. I just saw the shape, but the hugeness I could imagine. A deep friendly voice always said: „Hi Kewani, Merlin is coming. Go to Pier 45. Take your best friends with you.“ „Such a bullshit, Kewani likes to make us clear he already dreamed the whole thing and brought us to this pier like marionettes to be the king in front of us.“ „Psst, don’t you see it? The door is opening. The air vibrates.“ This sweet smell, like grandmothers coffee and cake.

    „ TEA, Oxypetl, did I promise you too much? With the last part of my dress changing the colors, the door is opening and the kids stand right in front of us.“
    „Congratulations, congratulations, your wizzard power has not failed since. Let us see if not your long silver beard will destroy all our work.“




    Irritated of this comment, Merlin hold his shatterhands in front of his beard. He cleared his throat and than began to talk.

    „Come on in, come on in kids“he is shouting to this astonished four.“

    „He Kewani“, Tom says „did you also dream about such an old lecher with a purple dress who wants to tempt us into his castle?“

    „Kewani, Tom, Aretha, Li Xi come on, we do you no harm.“ „Incredible, he knows us, Aretha is whispering to Li Xi. If this will turn out right?“

    Powered by his dream, Kewani moves one step after the other in direction of that huge ship. Never in his life he has seen such a kinglike but lovely thing. The head of that swimming bird almost seemed to smile and wink. His fedders sparked in every color although the weather was bad. Every detail was perfectly done. One could not see screws or rust or dirt. This swimming bird really looked like coming from another planet. Suddenly, Kewani was puzzled because he could not find a boarding track and almost felt into the water. „Come on Kewani, what you are searching for will be established, if you trust yourself. Go ahead.“ TEA and Oxypetl were smiling in the unseen corner by the entry. But in fact, there was no real corner on this ship. „You mean, that“ was Kewani trying to say. „Yes, the boarding track will be there as soon as you will make the first step into the nothing.“ Kewani was taking all his courage together, and that was quite a bit, made the step into the nothing and was supported. Supported by an unvisible power which made him feel warm and safe.
    „Tom, would you really like to see Kewani as the sacrifice? What he can, we can too.“ Aretha moved on. Once could really see her tensed muscles. Suddenly she gets slower. In her mind she hears her father talking: Aretha, you know, people do not like it when the blacks will move on, when they take their freedom to go the way they want to go. Just think about it, because you know what happened to me.“ Ahh come on, Aretha was thinking it is time to escape , escape out of the slavery.
    I want to be courageous, because it pays to die courageous instead of living cowardly. Aretha places her last possible foot to the harbour wall in front of that huge ship and the unvisible boarding track is there for her too. Little Li Xi and big Tom are confused. Suddenly they take themselves by the hand and start to walk right behind Aretha. What could further happen? Life was bad enough. It could even become better. Never before they took themselves by the hand. But they felt comfortly and enjoyed. Tom was trapping himself by his thoughts: We, the white people always crossed unknown boarders successfully, so such a boarding track means peanuts. In the head of Li Xi diffuse thoughts began to circle: The yellow people always had to suffer and had to imagine the missing comfortable things. So with Tom, my self-confident leader everything will turn out good.

    „Hi, we were looking forward to meeting you. My name is Merlin, the wizzard , guard of the wholy grale. Maybe you know me out of this countless movies they try to be like me. I know, I know I look worse in real life but my wizzard power is even better than in the movies. This guy is called Oxypetl, the real emperor of the Mayas. You have to know that so far nobody really knew who the real emperor of the Mayas was. And this guy is called Tut Ench Amun, we just call him TEA. I guess I do not have to introduce him further.“ If there would have been such a DJ-Mic around one could have heard those different strong heartbeats of those really surprised kids.

    Oxypetl came closer to the kids with his orange-yellow dress which was glittering all around made a bow and said: „Normally we do not come again and again to the theather of life, the stage of the world. We appreciate the silence and clearness of our home place the most, but sometimes certain things must be done. So here I am, not to make you afraid, just to help you. „ To help you, to help you, Tom was thinking. Those Maya-bosses have been monsters all the time, even more monsters than wallstreet was creating. I believe he killed millions of his people. – Such a lovely dress, Li Xi was thinking on the other hand. He would beat all competitors in a world famous fashion show. Our old emperors would turn pale.

    Kewani who had entered the ship first, began to relax. How is the saying of his red anchestors. You just know a man when you walked a few miles in his mocassins. But Aretha was causing him sorrows. She looked like a predator but was like a prey animal. In addition to that she hates overdressed people. And those people here do not look like pale passengers.

    Here it was again, this sweet fragrance of coffee and cake, the kids were realizing right in the beginning. These people combinded coffee and cake; such a strange thing.

    But then, like made from ghosts, it started to wind. Wind was just a too tiny word. Aretha was following the eyes of Kewani and the wind blew stronger, Tom was following the eyes of those two and the wind even got stronger. Finally Li Xi was not ashamed anymore also to look at the same direction and the wind became a tornado. At the same time it was getting damn cold.
    The kids were afraid.

    „Do not be afraid“ Merlin was whispering. Yes, although the wind was producing a loud sound, they could hear Merlin whisper. „This is the element air. Powerful, strong, cleansing, changing. The more eyes concentrate to the center of the air, the stronger it gets. We call it Optixylometry.

    Suddenly it began to become hot under the feet of Li Xi while she looks to the ground , still afraid about the tornado. She begins to whimper and the other kids look directly to her feet. Like a flash, heat will be thrown after the kids. The skin burns. „Ha, ha, ha“ Merlin laughs. „It burns but it does not hurt. This is the element of fire. Fire changes, destroys, brings new life, will make you warm, gives you energy.“

    While Tom is touching his hot shoes, he recognizes that he did not clean his shoes well enough before entering the ship. Quite a piece of soil on his shoe was bringing dirt into those mysterious rooms.

    Suddenly it turns soft under his feet, slowly he sinks into a batch of fresh smelling soil. Frightened he looks around. His friends sink too, but also with them Merlin, Oxypetl and TEA. As they sink dangerously deep , Merlin gives a almost invisible sign to stop. „This is the element of earth. Earth brings life, earth feeds, you can build on earth, you can build with earth.

    All kids look to the sky in the believing that escaping here is just a matter of being close to god. At this moment, it begins to rain. A heavy thunderstorm goes down to this strange society and floods the heavy heavy earth away in seconds. „This is the element of water. Water is cleansing, making you feel good, destroying, brings thoughts to flow.“

    Not long ago confused by strong winds, heated by fire, overwhelmed with dirt and wet through heavy thunderstorms, all seven individuals stand here, as nothing would have happened before. A very uncomfortable ship but pretty interesting, Kewani was thinking to himself.



    Out of control

    „Okay, okay, what want the gentlemen like us to do? Should this show go on?“ Tom was shouting seriously, until he felt awful about it. Merlin laughs and says: „If you liked the show then we are happy, if not it is not farther important to us. No, we are not here to thrill you. We are here to feel you safe.“ „Feel you safe“ you call that? „This I call unauthorized stirring of bigcity-kids, I call it.....“ Tom was shouting.
    „Ssssst“, Kewani was making aware. Those people can show us more and tell us more for sure. I believe they are friends. They know our names and I had a dream of such a ship. Therefore things fit together.“ As a big surprise to Kewani, Aretha was meaning yes and Li Xi still took the hand of Tom and looked to the floor embarrassed.

    „ Now I like you better“ TEA said. „Sit down. Tell us your stories. But nobody of the kids wanted to say a word. On this strange ship it was deathly silent and one could hear the waves between the ship and the harbour wall. But as usual in such moments, perhaps the most silent people are the most courageuos ones. Li Xi let loose her hand from Tom, sits on the diamant chair, which was here within seconds and starts to speak slowly.

    „I am not as old that I could tell you much. The only thing I know, that I am different. While others fought, I made drawings. Again and again I made drawings with chinese letters, although I did not know them at all. Just once my parents were watching me. My father looked at this specific drawing turned red and cut it to pieces. He was beating me like hell, prisoned me into my room. At this moment he left my mother and myself and was never coming back since. I never made a drawing anymore. Still I have the feeling that those letters make me feel good, but I have to tell you that since this day I lost a big peace of my soul. I feel sad quite often, lonesome and missunderstood.“

    „ I am sorry about that Li Xi“, TEA said. „Giving signs, not understanding signs can be very dangerous. Nobody loves it, when he sees signs which means to change things or to improve things. People feel trapped. They believe that some other people can figure out their inner wishes or curse and get afraid. They close their heart instead of saying thank you.“
    „ What about you Aretha, what are you willing to tell us?“ Aretha was not choosing this „overdressed“ chair of diamonds. She stood beside demonstratively but one could unmissunderstandably see, that she will gonna talk.
    „ After that fuss I wanted to escape as fast as possible. But it turns out that I like it here. And I mean it honestly, although I am not known to be honest to other people. They call me Aretha and I am proud of this name. I do not know why. But it seems to me like having power. But this is a problem too. I feel like a girl and act like a boy. So, whether girls nor boys can understand me. But I have a even bigger problem. I am courageous. And to much of that is not healthy. This is what I learn in my surrounding. I am black and this has not brought too many advantages to me so far. Lots of people believe that blacks are more stupid than others. That makes me angry and therefore I can’t control my power from time to time. I like to see, that everybody regardless of color, religion or such similar bullshit can be what he wants to be and that everybody has the same chances. That’s all I want.“

    Aretha began to cry and sat on the diamond chair, she hated so much in the beginning. She seemed to like it. Her face turned softer, she looked friendly now. In her tears the strong colours of the ship were reflecting.

    Merlin laied his arm around her and said: „Yes Aretha, having the same chances in life this would really be nice. Everbody is worth it. But we all know, that deny, greed, hate and all those abstruse things, make having the same chances impossible. We have to fight for the same chances, especially on mother earth. But we have to see the good things in people. We have to take a given chance and we must do someting very important: not giving up. So, I can see Aretha, you are on the right track. This way is hard and we would love to have it easier, escape, and to curse the day we decided to go the more difficult way. But in the end you are looking back, proud of what you have done. You are satisfied with yourself. You did no harm to anybody. You just did it your way.“

    „We, the white people, have always gone our way. There have hardly been boundaries and if those boundaries would have been hurt or enlarged. We conquered in the name of god or in other names different countries and killed their people. There are times I am so much ashamed to be white, that I loved to be dead. Then I would like to meet all these conquerors, heroes and tell them to be ashamed, tell them how unhuman they acted, what advantage they took out of it, what they think to do to turn history back. I am not as tough as I look like. But sometimes I believe that I have this mentality of unfriendly takeovers deep inside of me. Then it helps most if I can be together with Li Xi, Aretha and Kewani.“

    „Tom, I am impressed by your honesty! People could cut a piece out of your honesty. I figured out pretty fast the soft heart in the hard shell. Me too, Oxypetl, can say a word in terms of conquering and let disappear whole nations. Not everything you can touch turns to gold. And for the reason of gold, people made a lot of bad things. You can be powerful, you can be wealthy. But you must always know that everything can change. Power and money are sort of energies. You could use them right or wrong. When people are not standing on their feet, they can not handle such an amount of energy.

    Kewani, what’s wrong with you? Come on tell us your story, I can see that you are just waiting to do so.“

    While I can see how mother earth will be treated I could cry like Aretha, hide me in a corner and wait until the end will come. But waiting is not my strength. Always I wanted to know a lot from our elderly people. They lived thousands of years in the plains in harmony with nature. They knew the circles, all of them. They thought wisely before they acted. Of course, there have been those human problems too but more or less they lived in harmony with mother earth and father sun. They knew their personal center. They have been the center itself. And where are we standing right now? Everything is out of control. We make wars all ove r the world. We spend one thousand times more money for making wars and preventing wars than feeding world’s people. In earlier days they healed themselves with herbs, insight, enough of time and friendship. Today they enter into the middle of the human beings, change systems which functioned since millions of years to diminish every risk in life. I do not know where it all leads to. I just know that people have not become happier. They do not have more time. They do not know each other better or even themselves. They can not feel their center. Everybody blames that life has lost it’s quality. And now those changes. Climate, warmth, landscapes. Terrible. From time to time I hided myself to talk to mother earth. I was sucking those very very old knowings of my people such deep, as they should never come to the surface again. But they have to. I praied to our father. Quite often the whole night long. I was awaiting a sign. Quit often I was despaired but got hope finally. And then this dream, the dream about this ship, like an arch. I could hardly see the shape. Silvery, with the sun in it’s back it came, majestically. I was happy. I hoped it will come and not turn away at the last moment and disappear in the nowhere. As I woke up in the morning I was relaxed, free of sorrows in a way I did not feel for a very long time. But something caused me headake. I could not tell that all to my friends. The only thing I could do was to bring them at the right time to the right place. I have to tell you, this was my most difficult job so far.“

    „Yes, we all have difficult problems to solve, Kewani. As I was Tut Ench Amun, lots of things I did were pioneerlike. Nobody understood the systems of mother earth. I wanted to know it. I wanted to know everything. No power , no money was good enough to figure out everything. The whole time I felt alone. They celebrated me, but I was lonesome. Until I recognized I was all one with mother earth, with the cosmos, with my center, my soul. You, Kewani are still young but you can already feel what we had to work hard in the earlier days. The know how you have is very up to date.

    Let‘ us have coffee and cake.




    „Please appologize, but you certainly are strange people“ Tom said. „Yes indeed“ Aretha said „as would it be a computer game of the first generation.“ „And in addition to that having coffee and cake, something we almost forgotten“ Kewani said. Everybody smiled even the little Li Xi.

    „I do not think that you are satisfied with the things you have already seen on this ship. We know that you are used to quite sophisticated things in terms of entertainment“ mentioned Merlin, his white bushy eyebrows pushing higher.“

    „Okay then, show me more“ said Li Xi and was frightened about her generosity at the same time.
    „Are you really ready for the greatest thing you have ever seen in your life? “TEA was asking with a face telling the most outrageous stories.

    „Ready, ready, ready, ready“ the kids shout still wondering what’s going on since hours. „So then, follow me“ Oxypetl took command. The faster he moved the bigger his amazing orange-yellow dress got, a dress which could not have been more majestically.
    Enormous flashes hit the ship, the wind howls as the next tornado would be very close, a huge wave comes over the group of this new friendship and at the upper end of the ship impressive flames are burning against the sky.
    The group walks through those crazy elements holding direction properly. There you can see Oxypetl’s dress moving away. A sweet dust covers „the ship“.

    „Now“, TEA grins to Merlin: „mother earth will make them wonder.“



    © by Charles Romeo Kobelt